The quintet embarks on a musical pilgrimage, passing through all its different stages on the search for this special fleeting moment that appears so insignificant to an outsider but which holds the great potential of realization for the person experiencing it – recognizing the connection between all things. A journey to one's self - full of solitude, recurring thoughts, seeming bliss and special encounters.
The Pilgrimage was commissioned by the Plattform K+K Vienna on the occasion of the jubilee concert for Leonard Bernstein's 100th birthday. The premiere took place in the Gläserne Saal of the Wiener Musikverein on May 26th, 2018 and was transmitted by OE1.
About once a year I go on a pilgrimage in order to free my mind. Despite the fact that each of those travels is a unique experience the highlights of each journey share a unifying element at their core: a moment of bliss, free from external influences. An intensive appreciation of a single moment, triggered by a corn field, a ray of light, a breath of wind, or, as during a hike along the cost of Cornwall, by a blue butterfly, whose praise is sung in the piece "The Pilgrimage".
Instrumentation - Violin I+II, Viola, Cello
Year - 2018
Recording - Album "The Millennials Mass" (Col Legno, 2021)